UnderGround Information

UnderGround Information

       A S T R A   U P D A T E          Hi tec had their digital audio unit

                                        for sale.  Who's gonna buy a unit at


             -= by XL =-                154.00 when the audio is free?  This

                                        would kill off all sales of the

                                        decoder at the show.

Since writing my last article Sky's     

Astra system has gone through some      The free audio also had the effect of

new scrambling changes and some new     making the sales of normal black boxes

channels have been added.               i.e. Filmnet picture only, go through

                                        the roof.  This is purely because

Filmnet have now two channels to        Filmnet has a better movie content

themselves, the first is their normal   than Sky and also because of the hard

Pal version.  About 1 month ago         core porn show on a week night.  Now

viewers who have not yet gone out and   it's also at this point that Filmnet

bought digital audio units where given  start to push subscribers in

one months free sound, this though co-  Filmnetland to go out and buy new

incided with the cable and satellite    reciever equipment for their new D2

show at Olympia.  This boiled down to   Mac scrambled service on Astra.

a few reasons.                          

                                        Filmnet have now got to make a

                                        decision, they have paid to use a


is the better standard and England has  Filmnet card Swops almost every other

cracked all the scrambling changes      advert in the trade magazines is for

that they have made.  So rather than    cards for swop.  Has this now been the

keep to channels going they are going   thing that Sky/Filmnet should have

to drop the Pal service.  The upgrades  avoided as the pirate has now moved

they have done so far has cost them     into a very technical age.  You can

                                        stop a decoder being posted but who's

20 million so they aren't going to      gonna notice a credit card?

upgrade the customers anymore.  By      

using an out clause in the contract     

they have decided to force subscribers        SKY MOVIES AND VIDEOCRYPT

to buy the decoders.                    

                                        Sky is very embarrased, the 06 card

So in England we can buy the same       upgrade was suppossed to stop the

decoders as Filmnet, this is a D2 Mac   illegal viewing of the movie channels

to Pal transcoder with Eurocrypt built  abroad.  It's now confirmed that there

in.  The cost to us varies by 400 to    are 100,000 plus viewers using

600 pounds.  We then have to get a      untracable 06 movie cards abroad.

Filmnet smart card, yup they have gone  This has now put the clockwork into

smart card based, in order to watch.    motion.  With the recent accusition of

                                        the premier league football pay per

This has now pissed Sky off as there    view is rushing through the


development into useage very soon.      Rtl V to upgrade as their decoders can

Sky is now waiting for 2 million        cope.  Joe public is paying out a

dishes and homes to be installed        minor fortune for the very frequent

before it scrambles all of its          upgrade.  This channel has M.A.S.H. on

services.                               every single day so there okay by me.


Teleclub has been experimenting with    Premiere just to show how good there

new scramble algorithums to try and     system is have been adding subtle bits

get rid of the big user base of         to their scrambling.  Just to say

illegal UK watching public.  If it      don't mess with us because we are

can't nobble enough of them it will     ready for you if you try.  Hi tech are

soon junk the system it is using and    ready to take them on in the big boy

move into a more secure system.         league as soon as they have their D.A.

                                        unit running.

Rtl V system has had a few minor        

changes, old decoders like the Combi    Hi tech's D.A. unit is now running

99 and fast fit 99 are being targeted.  and they are in the process of

The code is being changed in such       cracking and have cracked Eurocrypt,

minor amounts just enough to upset      TV 1000, TV 3000, D Mac and Premiere,

them.  The manufactures do an upgrade   with a "told you Premiere" kind of

and a week later Rtl V change it a      attitude.

tiny amount again.  It's not costing    


The 06 card has another update the      All those people who stick the cards

card no longer has the need for the     in the frezeer hoping for an infy card

18v line to be used to overwrite the    be warned; the below zero temp kills

card.  This now kills off the disable   the microchip, you were warned.  Think

feature i.e. disable the line and you   about the operating range of a

have an infy card.  They now do two     microchip for a moment.

things; firstly internal diagnostics    

on the card check for the presence of   Filmnets plan to drop the Pal version

the 18v voltage.  Secondly the card     of it channel will be complete on

contains an inbuilt self destruct       Astra in September.

program which kills all card            


                                        Remember only a fool coats his card in

American hack companies are now         honey, it tastes awful.  Much safer to

working on a Sky card duplicator, the   use Lard because it goes in the slot

development has cost 12 million         easier - ooer!

dollars and is almost running.  So      

sorry to all those people who can do    end.

this hack with sticky tape, an empty    

washing up bottle, and 3 pound 50       

worth of electrical bits.               





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